Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Home At Last

I grabbed Jelly's hand as we stepped out the gate into the airport lobby. We didn't have to glance around for long to find Elena, she came running and had her arms around us within thirty seconds. I thought she would never let us go, but then she noticed who I brought with me, "Chase!!!" she screamed.
"Hey kid long time no see." Chase and her exchanged a hug.

We got home and immediately started unpacking. After a while the doorbell rang. I opened the door to find....well pretty much the entire gang on my doorstep holding cases of beer and video games. We had a party going in no time. The guys were taking turns with the X-Box and the girls were talking and doing their thing. Chase and I slipped away upstairs to talk for a while.
"I just....I don't know man, I was really tired of her crap. I'm tired of settling for mouthy little tramps you know?" Chase was referring to his now ex-girl friend, Megan. "I just feel like starting over....maybe I should move down here with you."
That suggestion caught me off guard. I never imagined my California friends adjusting to life with me here in Tulsa, but out of everyone I knew back home, I wouldn't want it to be anyone else but Chase. We know each other like we know ourselves. We grew up together.
"I think that would be a great idea." I added smiling.
"So..." he began to change the subject, "any girls here you can set me up with?"
"Besides my sister?" We both laughed. "Actually, someone has already showed interest..."
"Really?" Chase was surprised.
We headed back downstairs and Chase followed me right up to whom I had been referring to..... Dawn. I didn't hear the conversation they had cause it was my turn at the game, But I think it went well.


Kitty Curtis said...

That's cute. It's nice that Dawn gets a chance with someone. Preferably not Randy

Kitty Curtis said...

My security code was Unded. Lol

Elena Ryder said...

Lmao kitty. I'm happy u guys are home :p

About the whole dawn thing ":(" but yeah he could totally have the house nxt door that used to be mine :p or you know live with us :)

Angela Shepard said...

Better than a soc, AND he's cute.

Angelica Winston said...

So...does this mean no gay roommate? :(

Kitty Curtis said...

I think it means no gay roommate.

Dawn Cade said...


Curly Shepard said...

;) I'll take Megan.