It was a good night just to spend some time with my girl. No one else was home so we had the house to ourselves. So Jels came over and we cooked dinner together. I asked her to wash some potatoes in the sink.. "No..." she answered, playfully. I reached over, grabbed the potatoes and started washing them,
"I'm just kidding" she said giggling as she reached for the potato in my hand..
"Nope." I said tightening my grip on it.
"Yes..." she tried to twist it out of my hand.
I grabbed the sprayer and sprayed Jelly with water. She attempted to grab the sprayer so I just sprayed her more.
She was about soaked when she finally succeeded in snatching the sprayer from me and in an instant she had it aimed at me and spraying. I backed up in to the counter behind me and slipped on the wet floor. I laid there for a minute...
"You look like you pissed your pants" Jelly said laughing and pointing towards my crotch. Then she decided it would be funny to spray that spot, so she did for a slight second.
I sat up, "There are other ways to get that wet honey.." I pulled on her arm which sent her sliding and crashing in to me. That's when I realized how ticklish Jelly actually is. ; )
I started to smell a little smoke "Oh shit..." I said, both of us laughing and looking towards the stove.
Dinner finally got cooked, and not burnt. We ate in our wet clothes till we decided it was too cold in the house and went upstairs to change. Since I end up lending Jelly clothes for various reasons anyway, I just cleared a drawer for her to put some of her own clothes in my dresser.
"I dont know why, but i feel like getting drunk." Jelly said.
I looked at her and smiled widely.
Next thing I knew, We were in the living room half dressed, surrounded by empty beer bottles, and dancing to loud upbeat music. The lights were out but we had candles lit. Jelly was in her underwear and a tank top and I was in my boxers and a tie. (No idea where the hell the tie came from).
The rest of the night was kind of a blur, and the things I do remember I won't tell.. (keepin it PG) But damn, I love some Jelly when I'm bored ;)

Best night ever babe <3 I personally loved the tie :P
wooooow... and awwwwwww thats adorable
Oh. My. God. This is not disturbing at all. And your face! It looks like... like... like you just got fucked. It kinda cute in a really weird um awkward kind of way. Great job at keeping it PG, cause I REALLY don't want to know. I don't need the details of my friend's sexual lives.
Oh dear god.
Hahah nice :p
nice blair i love kit's condom shit i mean comment :D lmfao i cant believe nevermind anyways kids whenever all that sexual tension builds up in you and you decide to fuck use a condom :D
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