I moved all my stuff back in my house this week. Fresh new carpet in my room and the living room, those were the ones damaged, also new wood floors in the hallway. Cloud isn't aloud in the bathroom anymore -.- I got to know my new house mate Justin this week, and his son. They seem like likable people. Elena's been in and out a lot, I don't even bother to ask where she goes anymore, she'll still go there whether I want her to or not.
After "ice-ing" my groin all week, I've discovered a whole new meaning to the word "cold". I've started to think that someone really doesn't want me to get any, I'm thinking maybe James overworked me on purpose so I couldn't do anything with his daughter. HA HA good one James, -.-
I had yet another monthiversary to plan, and I had to make up for not being able to be there last time. I really was lost when it came to what we could do, Jelly never really mentioned it to me, but I like watching plays, so I got tickets to "Wicked" which just happened to be in town this week. She seemed to enjoy it, I loved it. We had a nice dinner at Red Lobster and I decided to rent a hotel room for the night considering what we haven't been able to do for the past month and a half, I figured we'd be doing a lot of that tonight and I spared everyone by getting a hotel room where no one could hear us.... well at least no one we knew. I also felt like getting wasted and having a good time so I brought a 24 pack of beer. I went classy for the hot tub though and also got a bottle of champagne. We downed a few cans after that, I really don't know why we bothered putting clothes on when we got out of the hot tub, but we did and decided to play strip poker. I lost. We finished off our beers and turned up the stereo and started dancing hardcore... pretty much naked.
"So, I got you something, but... I don't know how you're going to react to it." I said, unzipping my suitcase to find the sack.
"What is it?" Jelly asked curious.
I held up the pink striped Victoria's Secret bag.
She snatched it out of my hand and peeked inside, "I would have loved to see the look on the cashier's face when you walked into that store and bought this." She smiled.
She went in the bathroom to put it on while I situated myself comfortably on the bed. I spent money on something she'll probably be wearing for a total of five minutes, but once she stepped foot out of the bathroom I knew it was well worth it.
Wasn't long after that when we were getting it on. Finally, no problems, no interruptions, no PAIN. I got to love my woman and enjoy it, and damn did I enjoy it. ;)

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Tonight's the Night
Tonight is going to be the night.
Last week at my doctor's appointment, James said one week, and today makes the one week.
I could sit normally, walk normally, even run normally with no pain. I made Jels a promise that the day my pelvis was healed enough, I'd give her what she wanted, and a lot of it. Tonight was supposed to be that night.
I woke up to those beautiful brown eyes staring back in to mine.
"One week." She said softly.
I smiled and kissed her. I had plans on going to the gym with Darry and James, and Chase, he just didn't know it yet.
"You're up early." It was seven in the morning and I had expected to wake up and find Jelly still asleep.
"Well, I guess I was just too excited to sleep." She said with a seductive smile.
I stared at her for a moment,
"You know it's taking me every ounce of self control I have not to just rip your clothes off now."
Her smile widened,
"No one's stopping you," She replied.
I sighed, "I have to meet your dad in twenty minutes." I pointed out.
Her smile fell. "Hurry back."
I changed into work out clothes then opened the door to the guest room to find Chase still asleep.
"Get your lazy ass out of bed you fat kid." I yelled just before the pillow hit me in the face. I grabbed Chase's ankle and pulled him half way across the room.
"Ok ok Dim Im comming."
I decided I'd do Kit a favor and drag TwoBit along with me too. Almost had to dress the damn kid, he's for sure not a morning person.
We ended up at the gym with Darry and James just in time. James went over what equipment I should and shouldn't use and how hard I should press myself. He said I needed to start rebuilding muscle, but I didn't want to injure myself again. I started out slow and cautious, but as the day went on I eased up a little. James would observe me every once in a while to make sure I wasn't over doing it. I made it through the day just fine, actually refreshed to be active again.
Got back to the apartment and took a shower. It was just after lunch time and I was planning on making a really good dinner so I went ahead and started cooking. We sat around the dinner table and began eating when my best buddy Chase just had to open his mouth.
"I know what Dim and Jelly are doing tonight." Him and TwoBit started laughing as I gave them both a glare,
"At least I'm getting some." They shut up real fast.
------------------The following content may not be suitable for children-----------------------
Jelly and I laid in bed until there was absolutely nothing on TV. I hit the off button on the remote causing the room to be completely dark. The next thing I knew our hands were all over each other and things were getting real hot, real fast. Wasn't long till we were both in our underwear. Wasn't long after that till Jelly did that thing she always does when she wants me to give it to her, so I gave it to her, and that's when I felt it... "Fuck!!" I yelled, (and no not in a good way).
"Oh My God!!!" The sharp pain in my groin. I knew what had happened, I'd done it before.
I pulled back and Jelly switched on the bedside lamp. I was kneeling on the floor, my face buried in the bed sheets.
"What the hell happened?" Jels asked.
I winced and mumbled through the covers, "I pulled my groin."
Jelly got me back in my boxers at least and we walked down the hall in our underwear towards the fridge. Jelly opened up the freezer door and pulled out a bag of peas. Just then I heard two doors open down the hallway. Kit, Tibbs, and Chase walked in, stared at the frozen bag of peas against my crotch and then peed themselves laughing.
"Fuck....You!" I said.
'No Dim," Kit said between laughs, "You won't be doing that again anytime soon."
The laughing continued for about twenty minutes, until I decided to walk up and punch Chase in the groin. He bent over in pain, "You Dick!!" He shouted.
"Nope, your dick!" I said then headed back to the bedroom with my bag of frozen peas, my broken pride, and my fucked life.
Last week at my doctor's appointment, James said one week, and today makes the one week.
I could sit normally, walk normally, even run normally with no pain. I made Jels a promise that the day my pelvis was healed enough, I'd give her what she wanted, and a lot of it. Tonight was supposed to be that night.
I woke up to those beautiful brown eyes staring back in to mine.
"One week." She said softly.
I smiled and kissed her. I had plans on going to the gym with Darry and James, and Chase, he just didn't know it yet.
"You're up early." It was seven in the morning and I had expected to wake up and find Jelly still asleep.
"Well, I guess I was just too excited to sleep." She said with a seductive smile.
I stared at her for a moment,
"You know it's taking me every ounce of self control I have not to just rip your clothes off now."
Her smile widened,
"No one's stopping you," She replied.
I sighed, "I have to meet your dad in twenty minutes." I pointed out.
Her smile fell. "Hurry back."
I changed into work out clothes then opened the door to the guest room to find Chase still asleep.
"Get your lazy ass out of bed you fat kid." I yelled just before the pillow hit me in the face. I grabbed Chase's ankle and pulled him half way across the room.
"Ok ok Dim Im comming."
I decided I'd do Kit a favor and drag TwoBit along with me too. Almost had to dress the damn kid, he's for sure not a morning person.
We ended up at the gym with Darry and James just in time. James went over what equipment I should and shouldn't use and how hard I should press myself. He said I needed to start rebuilding muscle, but I didn't want to injure myself again. I started out slow and cautious, but as the day went on I eased up a little. James would observe me every once in a while to make sure I wasn't over doing it. I made it through the day just fine, actually refreshed to be active again.
Got back to the apartment and took a shower. It was just after lunch time and I was planning on making a really good dinner so I went ahead and started cooking. We sat around the dinner table and began eating when my best buddy Chase just had to open his mouth.
"I know what Dim and Jelly are doing tonight." Him and TwoBit started laughing as I gave them both a glare,
"At least I'm getting some." They shut up real fast.
------------------The following content may not be suitable for children-----------------------
Jelly and I laid in bed until there was absolutely nothing on TV. I hit the off button on the remote causing the room to be completely dark. The next thing I knew our hands were all over each other and things were getting real hot, real fast. Wasn't long till we were both in our underwear. Wasn't long after that till Jelly did that thing she always does when she wants me to give it to her, so I gave it to her, and that's when I felt it... "Fuck!!" I yelled, (and no not in a good way).
"Oh My God!!!" The sharp pain in my groin. I knew what had happened, I'd done it before.
I pulled back and Jelly switched on the bedside lamp. I was kneeling on the floor, my face buried in the bed sheets.
"What the hell happened?" Jels asked.
I winced and mumbled through the covers, "I pulled my groin."
Jelly got me back in my boxers at least and we walked down the hall in our underwear towards the fridge. Jelly opened up the freezer door and pulled out a bag of peas. Just then I heard two doors open down the hallway. Kit, Tibbs, and Chase walked in, stared at the frozen bag of peas against my crotch and then peed themselves laughing.
"Fuck....You!" I said.
'No Dim," Kit said between laughs, "You won't be doing that again anytime soon."
The laughing continued for about twenty minutes, until I decided to walk up and punch Chase in the groin. He bent over in pain, "You Dick!!" He shouted.
"Nope, your dick!" I said then headed back to the bedroom with my bag of frozen peas, my broken pride, and my fucked life.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Shattered Bones, But Whole Hearts
Valentine's Day
The day I dread most every year. Halloween comes complete with the dark, "let's dress like idiots and get free candy" feeling. Thanksgiving we draw close to the things that mean most to us while preparing our stomach's for a feast. Christmas, my favorite, brings along that warm, giving, feeling complete with presents and snowy nights. But when I think Valentines Day, I just want to vomit. The pink and red hearts, all the candy boxes and love notes. It's just gross. This year, my mood was entirely changed, I assume is has to do with the fact that I have the best and most beautiful woman in the world.
Though I've always hated Valentines, I never seemed to have trouble planning dates, but when it came to Jelly, I was lost. I've been laying on the couch and standing around the house for the past three weeks. With all my free time I finally came up with an idea for a date tonight.
The morning started out with a doctor's appointment. James had been checking in a lot since the accident, but he decided it was time that I have a real examination at a hospital. So I had one scheduled last minute at 9am this morning. Jelly was still asleep when I got up so I made her breakfast. Strawberry shaped pancakes, with scrambled eggs, and toast, complete with a glass of chocolate milk. I set the plate on the tray along with a letter and a single rose. I set it next to her in the bed and quietly slipped out the front door. Chase drove me to the doctor's office, since I kind of can't sit down to drive, instead I have to reline the seat. They had me dress in one of those ugly hospital gowns that make you feel so exposed. They took a few x-rays then James came in to tell me the results.
"Well, Dimitri everything is going as planned. You're lucky the fracture didn't do too much damage internally. There's still some torn tissue that will heal on it's own, and the screws we put in are holding nicely. You should be off crutches now and try to start sitting upright. Keep exercising and do a lot of walking so your muscles will get strong again."
All of it was good news, I could get rid of these stupid crutches and sit up. I was excited about that last part, lounging around all week may sound like fun, but when it hurts to sit you really don't enjoy it much. I thought we were done talking about my injuries when James started to speak again..
"Okay, there is a topic we have yet to breach. As a doctor I am licensed to discuss this information with you, and as a ..." he paused, searching for the right words, "to-be father-in-law, I guess, I'm inclined to tell you this because of our relationship, and I feel more comfortable discussing this with you than any other patient I've had."
I had no idea what he was getting to. I had thought about it before, but today I was totally lost.
"We need to discuss your sexual activities." he said.
My first instinct was to laugh, so I did.
"I take it you and Jels haven't been..... active these past few weeks?"
"Nope." I said, "It's killing her."
He actually laughed at that. "Well, usually people who damage their pelvic bone can't enter into any sexual activity for up to 6-8 weeks after the accident, but since you only damaged half of yours, I'd say your okay to do so in about a week."
I forgot who I was talking to for a moment when I said, "Thank God!"
But James just laughed that off too.
He wrote me another prescription for more pain killers then sent me off. One good thing about dating a doctor's daughter, you only pay half the hospital bill. :)
On the way back home, We stopped at my house to check the damage on the house and drop off a few things. Chase's room was still damp but Elena's and Justin's was fine. I met Justin for the first time, and his little boy. He seemed like a nice guy, I hoped Elena wasn't giving him any trouble. I walked into Elena's room and set a vase of pink carnations on her desk with a box of chocolates, and then a huge stuffed pink elephant for Jasslin. Chase and I drove back to the apartment. When we got there Jelly was awake and standing in the kitchen. I walked up to her, held her body to mine, and pressed my lips against hers.
"Happy Valentine's Day." I said.
She kissed me again, "What did daddy say?"
I made a disappointing face, "....not tonight." I answered.
Jelly sighed then skipped off to get dressed.
Jels, Chase, Dawn, Tibbs, Kit, and I all had a picnic in the park together for lunch. Oddly it was a warm day outside. We tossed around a Frisbee and just had some fun.
Later that night was when the romantic stuff would kick in.
I made sure the hot tub was empty. I lit some candles and scattered some rose petals, then I added some bubbles to the hot tub. I set out a stereo and pressed play on the CD I recorded. Our song, "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You." by Frankie Valli played, only it wasn't him singing it, it was me playing my guitar.
I cooked an exquisite dinner and poured some champagne then sat it all next to the hot tub. We put on our swim suits and headed down to the pool house. The rose petals lifted a nice scent in the room mixing with the steam. She sat on my lap facing me as we continuously kissed each other. Her fingers traced the scar on my left shoulder, then I saw a single tear drip from her eye.
"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked,
It took her a moment to answer, "I was just thinking... I very well could have been spending this day alone, crying in my bed...."
"But you're not." I said.
She smiled, "No.... I'm not." She started to kiss me again.
My hands slipped around her neck, when I brought them back down she felt something tickle her chest. She looked down and saw the diamond necklace.
We went back upstairs after a while, took a shower together, then crawled into bed watching a movie.
"It's Valentines Day." Jelly said, "the only day in the year completely devoted to love, and I can't have sex with my boy friend...cause he's broken." She made a pouty face like a five year old.
A wide smile spread across my face, "You know Jels, the only part of me that's broken is my pelvis, everything else works just fine." I stated.
Her eyes darted to mine, she raised an eyebrow and gave me a devilish smile.
I Love you Jelly. You're the reason I find life so precious. You make Valentine's day what it is for me. I found no purpose for it till I met you, I love you! -Dimitri

Monday, February 7, 2011
Sometimes There Are Moments in Life That Just Make More Sense With Tears
I was laying in the hospital bed waiting for James to sign me out. Finally, I get to go home, well Jelly's home. I'm staying with her because it's more "handicapped accessible". Doc says I'll be on crutches for a while and I would have gone home a while ago, but we had to wait til my shoulder was well enough to support myself on crutches, considering I can't sit in a wheel chair.
I heard someone approaching, and expected it to be James, but instead it was Kit. Being someone I didn't expect, my welcome came out more as a "why are you here." oops. She looked like she was in the mood for a serious conversation.
I asked er what was wrong, but she said that I should start do the talking first. So I told her about the conversation I had with James the other day and how I feel that a marriage could be very near in my future. Of course, that sent Kit bouncing off walls and throwing all these ideas in to my mind.
"Kit calm down. It's more of an idea than it is a decision right now." I said, hopefully dimming her spirits so she'd calm down.
"Oh Dimitri, I know it's going to happen." She winked than plopped down in the chair next to me.
It was time for her to start talking, but I felt like I had to force it out of her.
She told me how Grandma Liz took her to the doctor, and how he didn't have many positive things to say about her. Then she went on about how she thought she was pregnant and decided to leave me panicking for a moment till she finally told me the test was negative.
And there was something she mentioned about just wanting to end it all. She turned her head trying to hide her tears from me. I grabbed her hand,
"Kitty, we can't be strong all the time, there are just some moments in life that make more sense with tears." I told her.
She looked over and smiled as I tried my best to crack a joke.
Then she got into it about the wedding and her life with TwoBit, "I love him more than anything, but... I'm just...scared." She said.
I tugged on her hand and she snuggled up next to me. I ran my fingers through her hair, "Being scared is a natural feeling, there's nothing wrong with that. I know you love TwoBit more than anything. An idiot can see that. Marriage is just an act, but love is a feeling, it's what makes a marriage what it is, without it a marriage would be nothing."
"You know, for never being married, you sure do have a lot to say about it."
"But I am in love." I convinced.
She just laid there a moment till her tears stopped and I heard her whisper "Thanks for listening, I really needed that."
"Anytime Kit. Anytime."
After she left, I was dwelling on something she said earlier.....End it all? As in your life? I had so much that I should have said but didn't, and I don't know what held me back, but when she left I pulled out a sheet of paper and started writing.
I know sometime we go through things that aren't exactly what we would choose, but those things only make us stronger and prepare us for what's to come. Life isn't perfect, if it was, the perfect moments we have wouldn't mean the same to us. You can't have love without hatred, and you can't have joy without suffering, it's how the world works. You just have to dwell on those good moments and know that the best has yet to come, and you're never alone. You have a man that loves you and wouldn't think twice about it. You have the two best friends in the world, if I do say so myself. We're always here for you to fall back on, it makes our relationships stronger. You'll get through this, because getting through it is the only way out of it. Love you Kitty,
I heard someone approaching, and expected it to be James, but instead it was Kit. Being someone I didn't expect, my welcome came out more as a "why are you here." oops. She looked like she was in the mood for a serious conversation.
I asked er what was wrong, but she said that I should start do the talking first. So I told her about the conversation I had with James the other day and how I feel that a marriage could be very near in my future. Of course, that sent Kit bouncing off walls and throwing all these ideas in to my mind.
"Kit calm down. It's more of an idea than it is a decision right now." I said, hopefully dimming her spirits so she'd calm down.
"Oh Dimitri, I know it's going to happen." She winked than plopped down in the chair next to me.
It was time for her to start talking, but I felt like I had to force it out of her.
She told me how Grandma Liz took her to the doctor, and how he didn't have many positive things to say about her. Then she went on about how she thought she was pregnant and decided to leave me panicking for a moment till she finally told me the test was negative.
And there was something she mentioned about just wanting to end it all. She turned her head trying to hide her tears from me. I grabbed her hand,
"Kitty, we can't be strong all the time, there are just some moments in life that make more sense with tears." I told her.
She looked over and smiled as I tried my best to crack a joke.
Then she got into it about the wedding and her life with TwoBit, "I love him more than anything, but... I'm just...scared." She said.
I tugged on her hand and she snuggled up next to me. I ran my fingers through her hair, "Being scared is a natural feeling, there's nothing wrong with that. I know you love TwoBit more than anything. An idiot can see that. Marriage is just an act, but love is a feeling, it's what makes a marriage what it is, without it a marriage would be nothing."
"You know, for never being married, you sure do have a lot to say about it."
"But I am in love." I convinced.
She just laid there a moment till her tears stopped and I heard her whisper "Thanks for listening, I really needed that."
"Anytime Kit. Anytime."
After she left, I was dwelling on something she said earlier.....End it all? As in your life? I had so much that I should have said but didn't, and I don't know what held me back, but when she left I pulled out a sheet of paper and started writing.
I know sometime we go through things that aren't exactly what we would choose, but those things only make us stronger and prepare us for what's to come. Life isn't perfect, if it was, the perfect moments we have wouldn't mean the same to us. You can't have love without hatred, and you can't have joy without suffering, it's how the world works. You just have to dwell on those good moments and know that the best has yet to come, and you're never alone. You have a man that loves you and wouldn't think twice about it. You have the two best friends in the world, if I do say so myself. We're always here for you to fall back on, it makes our relationships stronger. You'll get through this, because getting through it is the only way out of it. Love you Kitty,
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