As much as I love Jelly's company, she needed to get away from the hospital. I couldn't drag her out myself so I had someone else do it, Chase. With all that's going on I think Jelly forgot about our eight month anniversary, either that or she didn't want to bring it up due to the fact I'm in a hospital bed. So I'm having Chase take Jelly out for our anniversary. Living in California gives you the opportunity to meet all kinds of people... who know people, who know people, giving you all kinds of hook ups. :)
I told Jelly to go home and put on something nice but comfortable then come back. She was confused but didn't question me. When she returned, Chase was standing in the room holding a single rose.
"What is going on?" Jels asked.
"Well since I'm not leaving this hospital any time soon, Chase is going to take you out tonight in honor of our eighth monthiversary." I explained.
She began to protest but I gave her that look that always ends up winning in the end.
So I sent them off to have fun without me. I had my own plans...
Jelly's dad walked in after a while and plopped down in the chair next to my bed.
"On break?" I asked.
"Yeah kid you're keeping me pretty busy." He joked.
I smiled, then thought I'd cut to to the case and ask him something,
"Dr. Winston..." I began only to be cut off,
"Dimitri you've got to stop calling me that, it makes me feel old." He laughed.
"Ok then... James, if I were to ask permission to marry your daughter... what would you say?" I'd hoped the heart monitor wouldn't show any signs of my heart race increasing.
"You threw yourself in front of a speeding car possibly saving my daughter's life, you make her beyond happy, you're protective of her, and love her deeply.... I would be an idiot not to accept you as a son in law." Damn, all I wanted was a yes or no, but instead he had to almost bring me to tears. "I already consider you a yes, I would give you permission to marry my daughter." That made me smile unbelievably.
"When you were still asleep, your heart rate was very slow... but every time Jelly would walk in the room your heart rate would go up. Jelly's mind was too occupied to notice, but I noticed. And then I thought of if it was her in this hospital bed instead of you... I think she would have been in less pain if she were hit by the car than watching you suffer it." He smiled and looked down at the floor.
We talked a short while after that, then he had to get back to work. But just as he left, someone followed in after him.....
"Hey Blair." I greeted.
'Sup? How are you doing?" She asked.
"Well, I'm alive." I smiled.
"That's for sure a plus." she laughed while sitting down next to me.
"I'm glad you came by actually..."
"Really? Why? What's up?" She was curious.
"Blair, you can't keep doing this to yourself... the narcotics, you're better than that Blair.. and I know you know that."
She looked at me puzzled. "But how did you.."
"I heard everything you said to me Blair.... and what you told me pained me more than my injuries. You have a family that loves you and friends that care about you... you don't need drugs when you have people like that in your life." I thought I saw a tear escape across her cheek, but she turned her head too quickly for me to tell.
"I know," she looked down at her fidgeting fingers, "I hate it.. and I'm trying to fix it."
"I hope so.. for the sake of this one." I playfully poked her stomach.
"Well, thanks Dim, I guess I'll stop by later this week." She started to walk out the door,
"By the way... I'd be honored if you named your daughter Shiloh Ryder." And with that she smiled and turned out the door.

Monday, January 31, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Feeling Alive
"Hey, give it back Dimmy." Her cute curls and adoring voice tugged at me, I couldn't tease her like this, I'm not that kind of big brother. "Okay, Lena. Here." I chunked the doll back at her, deciding to be nice and not cut it's hair off.
*beep**beep* "he's loosing more blood...." *beep* "..prep him for surgery" *beep**beep*
"Dimmy, were you really gonna cut all her hair off?" Said Elena. "Course not Lena. I wouldn't do that to you." A smile widened across her face as she threw her arms around me. "You're the bestest big brother ever Dimmy." I smiled back.
*beep**beep* "...wake up...please Dim, just wake up..." *beep* "...I told you I'd die for you Dim. I'd give anything for you to be alive.....right here, right now." *beep**beep*
"Dimmy, will you be my hero?" I loved her innocent voice, it rang often in my ears. "Always Lena."
"Good. I love you Dimmy." "I love you too Lena."
I could feel reality start to set in around me. The first thing I noticed was a beeping sound which felt like I'd been listening to it for days. The next thing was that I realized I wasn't alone. Someone was close to me, I wanted so much to know who....and why?...and where the hell was I? I racked my brain, if I could have physically kicked myself I would have, but for some reason I couldn't seem to get any part of my body to move. What was the last thing I remembered doing??
I was hanging out with Jelly, Chase, and Kit. We were walking down the street cutting up and laughing at something...I think?....then there was a car, and Jelly didn't move so I pulled her out of the way and............ Shit! That's when I noticed the pain. I felt like something was ripping at my insides, repetitively stabbing me in every direction. It hurt to breathe. My eyes frantically moved and I began to blink them into focus. The first thing I saw was a clear thick tube sticking out of my mouth. It gave me the urge to cough. I felt something shift next to me and the next thing I knew two people rushed up to me and began slowly pulling the tube from my mouth. I choked it out and coughed to clear my throat causing an agonizing pain down the left side of my body. I turned my head to see the most beautiful eyes staring back at me. They were filled with tears, and looked like they had been for days. They were familiar eyes, probably the pair of eyes I knew best. They gave me the same feeling they always had. I felt the sense of warmth and comfort take over me, holding another emotion near in the distance. It didn't take long for that last emotion to hit me.... Love. The background came into focus as I made out different colors and shapes, it revealed the greatest thing in the world. I didn't say anything, I couldn't even recall what words were. Fear started to push through to me. What if I had left this? What if I was dead right now? And the worst question, the one that would haunt me till the day I died. What if it had been her? I did the only thing my body allowed me to do. I stretched up and kissed her lips. I felt tears drift off onto my face. From that moment I knew that it didn't matter what a doctor was about to tell me, I still had her, and that's enough for me. Words didn't come easy for either of us. What were you supposed to say in a situation like this? Her hand brushed through my hair as she continued to gaze into me. I already knew everything she was trying to say. I reached up and brushed the tears from her cheeks and kissed her again. "It's okay. Everything is okay now." I whispered.
"I thought there was a good chance I would never hear that voice again." Jelly said.
She pulled back and I discovered that we weren't alone. Chase was lingering close, his face showed his emotions. Relief lifted off his shoulders, and then I noticed someone else standing next to him. I met her eyes for only a second until she sprang to my bedside placing her hand on my cheek. "Elena..." She leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Never again!" She said while giving me a stern look. "Winding up in the hospital is my job." I took it jokingly, but her face showed she meant it in complete seriousness.
"You're awake!" I heard a deep voice coming from the doorway. "Thank God." I tried to look in that direction the best I could. I at least could tell who it was, Dr. Winston. I had this idea to try and sit up so I could see him better, but the moment my body moved a loud pain ripped through my nerves. I felt my teeth clench and my eyes wince followed by a strain of words I wish didn't spill from my mouth in the presence of my girlfriend's father, but I couldn't help it. It hurt so bad. "Oh no," he rushed towards me. "You need to stay put, I'll have a nurse get you some heavy medication before I sit down and explain some things to you." He wasn't using his professional stance and voice that I know he used with other patients. He used a more familiar tone, he was treating me like I was his son.
Just then the nurse came in and hooked up a drip to the metal rack holding many IV's connected to various places on my body. Then Dr. Winston took out a small light from his pocket and flashed it in my eyes. "You don't appear to show any signs of shock so this should go pretty easily.." What did that mean? What was he about to tell me? "Do you remember what happened?" I felt the need to use words since I hadn't been able to in a while. "Yes, I remember everything." I stated.
"Good, you were finally conscious enough for us to do a brain scan this morning, and it showed no signs of any brain damage. You do have a major concussion that will easily be monitored, but you got very lucky Dim." He stared at me, and it wasn't till then that I realized just how serious this was. "You shattered your shoulder blade," he pointed to the left side of my chest that exposed what I thought an unnecessary amount of bandaging. "broke five of your left ribs, cracked your sternum," that explained why it hurt so much to breathe. I expected that to be it, but his words continued to trail on, "you tore some tissue in your neck, so that will be sore for a while. When your ribs broke, they pierced through the top of your skin, we put you through surgery to stitch that up and to also stop the internal bleeding that was coming from a part of your large intestine that ruptured sometime during the accident. And lastly, you shattered the left side of your pelvic bone." This was a lot to take in. "What's the outcome of all of this?" The question had lingered in my mind since I first began to feel all the pain. "Like I said Dim, you are very lucky. It will all heal...eventually, and then you will be able to move and function pretty normally." I felt a huge sigh relieve my body. Making it through this with a small single scratch or a shattered spine, either way it still would have been worth it. I did consider myself lucky, so I'd spend a few days in a wheel chair and weeks on crutches needing help to clothe and bathe myself, and yes a shattered pelvic would kick me out of my sex life for a while, but I'd rather it all be me. I rather be in a grave dead then to see Jelly suffer through any of this. What I was hearing now was heaven compared to what I could have heard. I was thankful to be alive, to see my friends and family waiting for the moment when I woke up, to wake up knowing that the person I love most is very much alive and well. Despite all the pain, no one in the world feels better than I do at this moment.
*beep**beep* "he's loosing more blood...." *beep* "..prep him for surgery" *beep**beep*
"Dimmy, were you really gonna cut all her hair off?" Said Elena. "Course not Lena. I wouldn't do that to you." A smile widened across her face as she threw her arms around me. "You're the bestest big brother ever Dimmy." I smiled back.
*beep**beep* "...wake up...please Dim, just wake up..." *beep* "...I told you I'd die for you Dim. I'd give anything for you to be alive.....right here, right now." *beep**beep*
"Dimmy, will you be my hero?" I loved her innocent voice, it rang often in my ears. "Always Lena."
"Good. I love you Dimmy." "I love you too Lena."
I could feel reality start to set in around me. The first thing I noticed was a beeping sound which felt like I'd been listening to it for days. The next thing was that I realized I wasn't alone. Someone was close to me, I wanted so much to know who....and why?...and where the hell was I? I racked my brain, if I could have physically kicked myself I would have, but for some reason I couldn't seem to get any part of my body to move. What was the last thing I remembered doing??
I was hanging out with Jelly, Chase, and Kit. We were walking down the street cutting up and laughing at something...I think?....then there was a car, and Jelly didn't move so I pulled her out of the way and............ Shit! That's when I noticed the pain. I felt like something was ripping at my insides, repetitively stabbing me in every direction. It hurt to breathe. My eyes frantically moved and I began to blink them into focus. The first thing I saw was a clear thick tube sticking out of my mouth. It gave me the urge to cough. I felt something shift next to me and the next thing I knew two people rushed up to me and began slowly pulling the tube from my mouth. I choked it out and coughed to clear my throat causing an agonizing pain down the left side of my body. I turned my head to see the most beautiful eyes staring back at me. They were filled with tears, and looked like they had been for days. They were familiar eyes, probably the pair of eyes I knew best. They gave me the same feeling they always had. I felt the sense of warmth and comfort take over me, holding another emotion near in the distance. It didn't take long for that last emotion to hit me.... Love. The background came into focus as I made out different colors and shapes, it revealed the greatest thing in the world. I didn't say anything, I couldn't even recall what words were. Fear started to push through to me. What if I had left this? What if I was dead right now? And the worst question, the one that would haunt me till the day I died. What if it had been her? I did the only thing my body allowed me to do. I stretched up and kissed her lips. I felt tears drift off onto my face. From that moment I knew that it didn't matter what a doctor was about to tell me, I still had her, and that's enough for me. Words didn't come easy for either of us. What were you supposed to say in a situation like this? Her hand brushed through my hair as she continued to gaze into me. I already knew everything she was trying to say. I reached up and brushed the tears from her cheeks and kissed her again. "It's okay. Everything is okay now." I whispered.
"I thought there was a good chance I would never hear that voice again." Jelly said.
She pulled back and I discovered that we weren't alone. Chase was lingering close, his face showed his emotions. Relief lifted off his shoulders, and then I noticed someone else standing next to him. I met her eyes for only a second until she sprang to my bedside placing her hand on my cheek. "Elena..." She leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Never again!" She said while giving me a stern look. "Winding up in the hospital is my job." I took it jokingly, but her face showed she meant it in complete seriousness.
"You're awake!" I heard a deep voice coming from the doorway. "Thank God." I tried to look in that direction the best I could. I at least could tell who it was, Dr. Winston. I had this idea to try and sit up so I could see him better, but the moment my body moved a loud pain ripped through my nerves. I felt my teeth clench and my eyes wince followed by a strain of words I wish didn't spill from my mouth in the presence of my girlfriend's father, but I couldn't help it. It hurt so bad. "Oh no," he rushed towards me. "You need to stay put, I'll have a nurse get you some heavy medication before I sit down and explain some things to you." He wasn't using his professional stance and voice that I know he used with other patients. He used a more familiar tone, he was treating me like I was his son.
Just then the nurse came in and hooked up a drip to the metal rack holding many IV's connected to various places on my body. Then Dr. Winston took out a small light from his pocket and flashed it in my eyes. "You don't appear to show any signs of shock so this should go pretty easily.." What did that mean? What was he about to tell me? "Do you remember what happened?" I felt the need to use words since I hadn't been able to in a while. "Yes, I remember everything." I stated.
"Good, you were finally conscious enough for us to do a brain scan this morning, and it showed no signs of any brain damage. You do have a major concussion that will easily be monitored, but you got very lucky Dim." He stared at me, and it wasn't till then that I realized just how serious this was. "You shattered your shoulder blade," he pointed to the left side of my chest that exposed what I thought an unnecessary amount of bandaging. "broke five of your left ribs, cracked your sternum," that explained why it hurt so much to breathe. I expected that to be it, but his words continued to trail on, "you tore some tissue in your neck, so that will be sore for a while. When your ribs broke, they pierced through the top of your skin, we put you through surgery to stitch that up and to also stop the internal bleeding that was coming from a part of your large intestine that ruptured sometime during the accident. And lastly, you shattered the left side of your pelvic bone." This was a lot to take in. "What's the outcome of all of this?" The question had lingered in my mind since I first began to feel all the pain. "Like I said Dim, you are very lucky. It will all heal...eventually, and then you will be able to move and function pretty normally." I felt a huge sigh relieve my body. Making it through this with a small single scratch or a shattered spine, either way it still would have been worth it. I did consider myself lucky, so I'd spend a few days in a wheel chair and weeks on crutches needing help to clothe and bathe myself, and yes a shattered pelvic would kick me out of my sex life for a while, but I'd rather it all be me. I rather be in a grave dead then to see Jelly suffer through any of this. What I was hearing now was heaven compared to what I could have heard. I was thankful to be alive, to see my friends and family waiting for the moment when I woke up, to wake up knowing that the person I love most is very much alive and well. Despite all the pain, no one in the world feels better than I do at this moment.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
The Cost of Love (By: Chase)
KitKat and Jelly came over yesterday morning and wanted to hang out, so Dimitri suggested we take a walk through Tulsa and find something to do. Were walking down the street passing up ice cream, shopping, and movie theaters. The town wasn't busy so we were walking in the middle of the street, glancing back every so often to look for cars. Dimitri and Kit started messing around and yelling, Jelly was following close behind them laughing. It was then that I heard tires against the pavement behind us. I looked back and saw a car rounding the corner towards us, definitely going well over the speed limit. I yelled for everyone to get out of the street while I moved out of the way myself, but with their goofing around, apparently they didn't hear me. Kit saw it first and yelled as she ran towards the sidewalk. After that It all happened so fast......
Dim turned back noticing the truck and Jelly standing feet from him, being the boyfriend that he is, her safety crossed his mind first. He violently pulled on her arm and slung her towards me and Kit, but after that he didn't have time to get himself out of the way. The next five seconds flashed through my vision, yet still remain to replay in my head. It wasn't what I saw that broke my awe.... it was the sound. I wanted to close my eyes, but couldn't. There was a loud *thud* a *crunch* and the screeching of tires as Dimitri's body impacted with the car, the air, the car again, and finally the pavement. The noise that scared me the most though had nothing to do with the impact, but it was the silence that followed afterward. As I stared at my best friend's body lying still in the middle of the street I heard Kit punch in three numbers on her cell phone. My first instinct was to get over to Dimitri. I patted his cheek trying to get him to open his eyes, but he didn't respond. My voice raised and I could hear Jelly sobbing behind me. Still nothing....
I was still in shock, so when I noticed the blood I freaked out. It was seeping through his shirt, and the back of his head. I lifted his shirt and got sick at what I saw, praying that Jelly didn't see it. All I could tell was that he broke a few ribs, but I was sure there was more damage not visible at the moment. I didn't realize what was going on till someone's arm pried me and Jelly away from the scene. I don't even know what vehicle we rode in, but somehow we ended up in the emergency unit at the hospital. We waited, and waited, and waited. Minutes felt like days. All I could hear was the thoughts yelling in my head, and Jelly screaming from Kit's arms. No one would tell us anything, not even Jelly's dad. I saw a doctor walking from the direction they took Dim. He had a chart in his hand which he placed on a rack containing other charts. When he walked away, I sprang up and grabbed the chart. My eyes scanned over it....
Dimitri Alan Ryder
DOB: 4/30/1990
Patient involved in a Pedestrian + automobile accident. Police report states a hit 'n' run.
VITALS: Height: 70-1/2" Weight: 185 lbs. Pulse: 48/60 bpm.
SKIN: Exposed ribs.
INTERNAL: Abdominal bleeding.
Possible brain damage.
Neck Bruising.
Shattered Left Shoulder blade.
Five Broken Ribs.
Cracked Sternum.
Left Side Pelvic Bone Shattered.
*Not yet responsive*
A nurse started walking towards me as I quickly placed the chart back on the rack, teardrops spilling among the page.
Dim turned back noticing the truck and Jelly standing feet from him, being the boyfriend that he is, her safety crossed his mind first. He violently pulled on her arm and slung her towards me and Kit, but after that he didn't have time to get himself out of the way. The next five seconds flashed through my vision, yet still remain to replay in my head. It wasn't what I saw that broke my awe.... it was the sound. I wanted to close my eyes, but couldn't. There was a loud *thud* a *crunch* and the screeching of tires as Dimitri's body impacted with the car, the air, the car again, and finally the pavement. The noise that scared me the most though had nothing to do with the impact, but it was the silence that followed afterward. As I stared at my best friend's body lying still in the middle of the street I heard Kit punch in three numbers on her cell phone. My first instinct was to get over to Dimitri. I patted his cheek trying to get him to open his eyes, but he didn't respond. My voice raised and I could hear Jelly sobbing behind me. Still nothing....
I was still in shock, so when I noticed the blood I freaked out. It was seeping through his shirt, and the back of his head. I lifted his shirt and got sick at what I saw, praying that Jelly didn't see it. All I could tell was that he broke a few ribs, but I was sure there was more damage not visible at the moment. I didn't realize what was going on till someone's arm pried me and Jelly away from the scene. I don't even know what vehicle we rode in, but somehow we ended up in the emergency unit at the hospital. We waited, and waited, and waited. Minutes felt like days. All I could hear was the thoughts yelling in my head, and Jelly screaming from Kit's arms. No one would tell us anything, not even Jelly's dad. I saw a doctor walking from the direction they took Dim. He had a chart in his hand which he placed on a rack containing other charts. When he walked away, I sprang up and grabbed the chart. My eyes scanned over it....
Dimitri Alan Ryder
DOB: 4/30/1990
Patient involved in a Pedestrian + automobile accident. Police report states a hit 'n' run.
VITALS: Height: 70-1/2" Weight: 185 lbs. Pulse: 48/60 bpm.
SKIN: Exposed ribs.
INTERNAL: Abdominal bleeding.
Possible brain damage.
Neck Bruising.
Shattered Left Shoulder blade.
Five Broken Ribs.
Cracked Sternum.
Left Side Pelvic Bone Shattered.
*Not yet responsive*
A nurse started walking towards me as I quickly placed the chart back on the rack, teardrops spilling among the page.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Moving In
This week Chase decided he was completely serious about moving to Tulsa, so he did. He went home for a day to pack everything back up and headed strait back here. I heard it didn't go over well with Megan though. He needed to get away from her, just to start over. I spent the rest of the week showing him around and helping him to get to know the gang better. He came to work with me a lot. One day Jelly came by with Kit and Dawn, I don't know what but something was definitely going on there. Later that night we had dinner at Kit's and Jel's apartment with Chase and Dawn. It was nice, I think Chase is really enjoying Tulsa.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Home At Last
I grabbed Jelly's hand as we stepped out the gate into the airport lobby. We didn't have to glance around for long to find Elena, she came running and had her arms around us within thirty seconds. I thought she would never let us go, but then she noticed who I brought with me, "Chase!!!" she screamed.
"Hey kid long time no see." Chase and her exchanged a hug.
We got home and immediately started unpacking. After a while the doorbell rang. I opened the door to find....well pretty much the entire gang on my doorstep holding cases of beer and video games. We had a party going in no time. The guys were taking turns with the X-Box and the girls were talking and doing their thing. Chase and I slipped away upstairs to talk for a while.
"I just....I don't know man, I was really tired of her crap. I'm tired of settling for mouthy little tramps you know?" Chase was referring to his now ex-girl friend, Megan. "I just feel like starting over....maybe I should move down here with you."
That suggestion caught me off guard. I never imagined my California friends adjusting to life with me here in Tulsa, but out of everyone I knew back home, I wouldn't want it to be anyone else but Chase. We know each other like we know ourselves. We grew up together.
"I think that would be a great idea." I added smiling.
"So..." he began to change the subject, "any girls here you can set me up with?"
"Besides my sister?" We both laughed. "Actually, someone has already showed interest..."
"Really?" Chase was surprised.
We headed back downstairs and Chase followed me right up to whom I had been referring to..... Dawn. I didn't hear the conversation they had cause it was my turn at the game, But I think it went well.
"Hey kid long time no see." Chase and her exchanged a hug.
We got home and immediately started unpacking. After a while the doorbell rang. I opened the door to find....well pretty much the entire gang on my doorstep holding cases of beer and video games. We had a party going in no time. The guys were taking turns with the X-Box and the girls were talking and doing their thing. Chase and I slipped away upstairs to talk for a while.
"I just....I don't know man, I was really tired of her crap. I'm tired of settling for mouthy little tramps you know?" Chase was referring to his now ex-girl friend, Megan. "I just feel like starting over....maybe I should move down here with you."
That suggestion caught me off guard. I never imagined my California friends adjusting to life with me here in Tulsa, but out of everyone I knew back home, I wouldn't want it to be anyone else but Chase. We know each other like we know ourselves. We grew up together.
"I think that would be a great idea." I added smiling.
"So..." he began to change the subject, "any girls here you can set me up with?"
"Besides my sister?" We both laughed. "Actually, someone has already showed interest..."
"Really?" Chase was surprised.
We headed back downstairs and Chase followed me right up to whom I had been referring to..... Dawn. I didn't hear the conversation they had cause it was my turn at the game, But I think it went well.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
California :)
A little while back, Jelly told me that she wanted to meet my whole family. So, for our seven month anniversary I'm taking her to California. Our plane left Tuesday night at 7, which put us in California around 11pm. We rented a car and drove the short distance to my house. Jelly was close to falling asleep, until we pulled into the driveway.
"Holy...... this is your house?" I thought her finger was going to point right through the windshield.
"No. I live in Tulsa remember?"
"" She was apparently not taking this the way I expected.
"Let's just say my grandfather had a lot of money." I explained.
"No...your grandfather is freakin rich." She corrected.
"Well if you put it that way, he WAS rich. He passed away a couple of years ago, but my family still owns quite a few businesses around here."
I got the luggage out of the car and led the way inside. Jelly was still amazed even after the tour I gave her of the house.
"Why didn't you tell me you were rich?" she asked.
"Cause I'm not. My grandparents might be, but I'm not." I answered.
Just then I heard a scream. I looked over to see my grandmother.
"Hey gammy." I said with a smile on my face.
I opened my arms for an expected hug, but instead she walked right past me and threw her arms around Jelly.
"I can't believe I'm finally meeting you."
It wouldn't have surprised me if my grandmother had a heart attack just then by the was she was reacting.
"My, you are just beautiful." She said still holding on to Jels.
"Gammy this is Jelly."
I thought I was going to have to get a chainsaw to pry her off of Jelly.
Next to enter the room was Mom, but thank God her hugs weren't as over reacted.
After greetings and introductions, I led Jelly up to my room.

"This is where we will be sleeping." I informed.
She glanced around at my trophies and awards from high school. Then she came across a picture...
"Who are they?" she asked
"Those are my will get to meet them later this week."
And she did, this morning they all came over and we hung out playing pool and using the hot tub ;)
My Best Friend (before i moved to tulsa)

Another one of my good friends...

And this is the life of OUR parties..

Chase's girlfriend Megan

And then that best "girl" friend that knows everything about you and doesn't let you forget it. Ashley

We're having a good time in Cali and will be back late on Sunday, but until then we will continue to keep you updated.
"Holy...... this is your house?" I thought her finger was going to point right through the windshield.
"No. I live in Tulsa remember?"
"" She was apparently not taking this the way I expected.
"Let's just say my grandfather had a lot of money." I explained.
"No...your grandfather is freakin rich." She corrected.
"Well if you put it that way, he WAS rich. He passed away a couple of years ago, but my family still owns quite a few businesses around here."
I got the luggage out of the car and led the way inside. Jelly was still amazed even after the tour I gave her of the house.
"Why didn't you tell me you were rich?" she asked.
"Cause I'm not. My grandparents might be, but I'm not." I answered.
Just then I heard a scream. I looked over to see my grandmother.
"Hey gammy." I said with a smile on my face.
I opened my arms for an expected hug, but instead she walked right past me and threw her arms around Jelly.
"I can't believe I'm finally meeting you."
It wouldn't have surprised me if my grandmother had a heart attack just then by the was she was reacting.
"My, you are just beautiful." She said still holding on to Jels.
"Gammy this is Jelly."
I thought I was going to have to get a chainsaw to pry her off of Jelly.
Next to enter the room was Mom, but thank God her hugs weren't as over reacted.
After greetings and introductions, I led Jelly up to my room.

"This is where we will be sleeping." I informed.
She glanced around at my trophies and awards from high school. Then she came across a picture...
"Who are they?" she asked
"Those are my will get to meet them later this week."
And she did, this morning they all came over and we hung out playing pool and using the hot tub ;)
My Best Friend (before i moved to tulsa)

Another one of my good friends...

And this is the life of OUR parties..

Chase's girlfriend Megan

And then that best "girl" friend that knows everything about you and doesn't let you forget it. Ashley

We're having a good time in Cali and will be back late on Sunday, but until then we will continue to keep you updated.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Rooms For Rent
In one of my earlier posts I mentioned my older brother and sister moving out. Now that Elena left, I'm all alone on this big house that I can't afford by myself, so I put 2 rooms up for rent.

They each have their own bathroom. One is upstairs and one is downstairs. The cost is $175 a month. Pets allowed but must get along with dogs. Only renting rooms to Males.

They each have their own bathroom. One is upstairs and one is downstairs. The cost is $175 a month. Pets allowed but must get along with dogs. Only renting rooms to Males.
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