After standing in the street half naked and watching Jelly, eyes filled with tears, drive away from me, I turned back to the house and went strait to the liquor cabinet. Pulling out every bottle of vodka, I went upstairs to see if Elena took care of my problem. I walked in my room and found Maddie slumped over Elena's shoulder and passed out cold.
"Get her the hell away from me." I said.
"My pleasure." Elena went downstairs and out the front door.
I slammed my bedroom door shut and punched the wall. Chugging the vodka, i fell onto my bed. I probably laid there for about three hours until I decided I needed more alcohol. This time I decided on the rum and spent another three hours on the couch. After drowning myself in pain and agony, I threw on some clothes and walked to Jelly's house.
I knocked on the front door...... no one answered. I knocked louder and yelled until I finally got a response...
"Go the fuck away Dimitri!!!"
Not exactly the response I wanted, but I left....just like she wanted me to. I went to the bar, thank God for fake ID's. I suspected I ordered everything behind the counter because in four hours I apparently spent $248.87 in alcohol. It was about 8pm and I decided to go to Soda's. I showed up at his house and explained my predicament. Poor guy probably didn't understand a damn word I said, I'm pretty sure I drooled on myself in the process.
Soda told me to sleep all this off and come back tomorrow, then he walked me home.
How the hell was I supposed to sleep? I hurt the woman I love, and it wasn't even my fault. I didn't blame her for not listening to me....I wouldn't have listened to me. I headed upstairs to bed, but I didn't make it very far. I think I fell down the stairs at least twice before I managed to get all the way up them and by that time all the alcohol in my system was tired of getting sloshed around so I ran to the bathroom. I attempted four times to leave, but every time I turned more alcohol came back up. I felt like shit....my throat burned, my body hurt from falling downstairs, but the pain I felt the most was coming from inside my chest. I don't think I actually ever went to sleep.... I think I just stared at the ceiling for ten hours....tears falling down my face.
I crawled out of bed at 10am and went downstairs to get some serious coffee in me. After deciding I was sober enough, I showed up at Soda's house. He described to me his plan...
Soda would knock on Jelly's door, making her think it was just him. I hid off to the side, and once Soda told me to I ran inside. His plan worked perfectly and I dashed up to Jelly's room. She followed after me. I hid behind the door till she was in the room, then slammed it shut and leaned against it.
"Get the hell out of my house." she shouted as she beat me multiple times in the chest.
"No, Jelly you have to listen to me..." I said.
"I don't have to listen to shit, get out." She shouted back.
I pinned her arms to her side, "You have to let me explain.."
"Why?" she started to tear up, "So my boyfriend can tell me how he fucked some other chick? How he made me believe he loved me and then tore my heart in to pieces?"
That cut pretty deep. "Jels....I didn't cheat on you..."
"Oh so laying naked on top of another girl isn't cheating on me?" she questioned.
"It wasn't like that....she's my ex...from California, and she's a psychotic person." Jelly didn't really seem to be buying in to my story, but there was no way in hell that I was going to give up that easily. I explained everything that happened and how I was pinning her to the floor so she couldn't move....and why I was naked in the process. Jelly just sat on her bed shaking her head. I knelt down in front of her.."Jels.....it's the God honest truth." She looked at me...
"I would never do that to you. I love you Jels, I couldn't ever hurt you like that." She just looked down as tears fell in to her lap.
"You know what?" I said, "I don't care if you believe me, I don't care if you never want to see me again, but.... don't cry, don't feel hurt, because that's what pains me the most. I rather see you happy and not with me....then to see you cry like this Jelly."
She sat there for a minute, and she looked up at me and said, "It's things like that, that make me believe you.....you don't care where I am or who I'm with, as long as I'm happy." She stopped crying.
"I love you Jelly!" I whispered.
"I love you too." She responded.
I leaned in, passionately kissing her, and I felt a sense of relief when she didn't fight it. She kissed back....and back....and back. She leaned back on the bed, I leaned over her still kissing her. I was so happy, everything felt like it was right again. We continued...on...and on...and on. I'm sure you know where "on and on" leads. ;)
Angelica Winston, you are my day and my night, my joy and my comfort. Without you, I'd still be among many searching for love, I'd still be lost....and alone. My sun rises and sets with you. Every moment spent with you feels like a lifetime, I should be so lucky to have a million more lifetimes with you. I love you!
-.- now i have to say soda's smart about that make-up sex part. im dissapointed in u two :P
oh and AWWWWWWW xD haha
blahblah soda's right...blahblah makeup sex...blah blah. im happy you two are back together :)
Make up sex....BWAA anyways im so glad you guys are back together i missed my pratcilly sister!
I feel like a bitch now :(
its ok...you made it up to me ;)
make up sex always works ;D
Accually no. I am not quite sure what "on and on" means. You should let me in on that :)
ahaha blair.... THEY FUCKED XD
.....ok then xD dimitri and jelly as much as u love us and obscene comments... post! :P
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