Mom wanted to meet all of you, I have no idea why, she just did, so we had a party so she could be acquainted with you all.
It started out great, until someone broke my rules and brought in some alcohol. First lesson in spending time with a recovering alcoholic, don't give them any alcohol -_-
One by one the gang arrived and I introduced them as they came in. My mother's reaction...
Sodapop: "No really what's your real name?"
Ponyboy: She died laughing
KitKat: "'re the one with the stripper name?"
Dallas: "You look like trouble..." flashing a teasing smile
TwoBit: "What's with all the weird names?"
well, those were all the awkward introductions.
I made sure none of you got completely drunk, didn't feel like messing with it. We had dinner and just kinda hung out. That was mom's last night and the next morning she caught a flight home.
I woke up the next morning and felt someone in bed beside me. I rolled over expecting Jelly, but instead I found my ex-girlfriend Maddie.
"What the hell?" I jumped and ended up falling off the bed and on to the floor.
"Happy to see me?" she said, with what was attempted to be a seducing smile.
I scrambled to get to my feet, "No..I'm not actually."
"Oh...why? Cause of your sweet little girlfriend?...I saw the picture downstairs." She was now standing only inches from me.
"How the hell did you get in my house?" I questioned.
"Baby, I know where you hide spare keys..."
Damn spare keys... "Why are you here? How did you find me?"
"I'm here for you of course. And you're grandmother told me." she smiled again.
Why grandma...why? Of course she didn't know I had already been in a relationship with someone else."And you just hopped on the first plane to Oklahoma?"
"I missed you..' she winked and place her hands on my bare chest.
"Maddie.." i removed her hands, "I'm seeing someone else.."
"She doesn't have to know." She winked again.
"You know I don't do stuff like that..." I informed.
"I'm sure I can change your mind."
She had me backed up against the wall, not even an inch between us... then she slid her hand in to my boxers.
"No!" I jerked her arm. "I'm not playing this game.." I said.
"Oooh games...well we can play something else if you like?"
Shit.She forced her body up against mine. I pushed her back...
"I like this game.." she said with yet another deadly smile.
"I would really love it if you would just get out of my house." I said.
"You know what I would love..." she responded by taking her clothes off...exposing a red lace bra with matching panties.
"Oh God please go away," I closed my eyes.
Note to self: crazy ex in the room....DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES!
In one brisk movement I felt her fingers at in the edge of my boxers...then they fell to the floor. I reacted to pull them back up, but when I bent down she pushed me to the floor and sat on top of me.
This is bad....very bad.I thought that the only thing that could make this moment worse, was if someone were to walk in at this very moment, cause this looked bad. Well, my stupid thoughts caught up to me when I heard a knock on the door. "Dimitri?" A voice I new very well, the voice that made my heart flutter, the voice that belonged to my girlfriend.
"Uh...just a second." I said awkwardly.
Of all the people to be outside my room at that very moment in time, it had to be her. Fuck.
I managed to escape from under Maddie and bolted to the door, but just as I reached it she jumped on my back, sending me smashing into the dresser...making a lot of noise. I flipped her over me, and without thinking I pinned her to the ground.
"Dim? Are you okay?" Jelly she opened the door.
This looked bad.....very bad. Me completely naked sitting on top of a nearly naked girl. Not good at all.
The look on her face was indescribable. It broke my heart. She just turned and left.
"Oopsies.." Maddie said.
"Jels..." I called into the hallway.
Maddie wrapped her hands around my neck and pulled my face to hers...forcing her lips to mine.
My hand spread across her face, pinning her head to the ground.
"What's going on?" Elena was standing at the door, looking in on the same scene that sent Jelly sprinting downstairs and out my front door.
"THAT CRAZY BITCH IS HERE?" Elena yelled pointing at Maddie. "OH HELL NO!"
Elena bolted in ready to kick some serious ass in a cat fight, while in the meantime I try to explain to my girlfriend why I was naked on top of another woman.
I grabbed my boxers and ran downstairs....