I spent a couple of nights on the couch, I don't know why, I guess sleeping in the bed without Jelly didn't feel right to me. I heard a knock at the door early Saturday morning. I sprang up from the couch and opened it to find Jelly. A smile played across my face. Okay, she took some time for herself, thought things through, and now she's back, right? WRONG! And that wrong hit me so hard I couldn't find a breath to push words out of my mouth, so I just stepped aside and allowed her to fulfill her task. I STEPPED ASIDE? She just told me she was leaving me...and I step aside allowing her to do so, so freely? I stood at the door dumfounded for the entire forty minutes she was there. She walked out the door with boxes and a suitcase, turned around and placed something in my hand...her wedding ring. Is that really all this meant to her? One argument and a mistake that wasn't even mine...and she's already giving up? I didn't even have the strength to shut the door, I walked into the bedroom and collapsed on the floor.
What's the point now? I could just die right here...and it would be better than living a second without her. Somehow I had crawled into the bed and all I can remember for the next two days is just laying there....I didn't eat, I don't even remember getting up to use the bathroom...tears drowned my pillow case. I wanted to die, honestly. Death was the only way I could escape such suffering. I was plotting a million different ways to do so, until Kitty walked in the room.
"Dimitri..... what are you doing? You're not even going to try to convince her to stay? The Dimitri that I know would.."
"Yeah, well the Kit that I know wouldn't try to rip her best friends' marriage apart." I shouted.
"Dim, I didn't try to,"
"Go away Kit. I don't want anything to do with you." I said coldly.
After I heard her footsteps disappear, I started thinking again. Kit's right! Why am I just laying here without even trying to explain myself? Get up off your ass and go get your wife!
I pulled into Jelly's house. Luckily, James was at work, so Jelly was alone. I knocked on the door.... no one answered. I knocked again.....and about after the fourth time I figured she was not going to open this door. I went around to the back of the house. The back door was locked too, but it was made out of glass. I found a tree branch and busted a hole through the glass so I could reach in and unlock it.
"Get the fuck out of my house!" Jelly said appearing around the corner.
"No!" I said forcefully.
"I'm gonna call the cops."
"And tell them what? That your husband broke into your house?" I replied
"You look like shit." she said.
"Yeah, well my wife left me....im not exactly feeling peachy." I explained.
"If your here to spill your heart out hurry up. The faster you leave the better." She said.
I stood there, twisting my wedding ring on my finger...looking down at the floor.
"Ya know I don't know about you Jels, but when I stood there and promised that I'd be there for you, through the good and the bad, now matter how hard things got....till death do us part, right? Well, were still alive....and I'm keeping that promise."
"You kissed some else!" Jelly yelled.
"Jelly you know me better than anyone...and you know Kit better than anyone. Do you really think that I would do that to you? Do you really think I would kiss Kit? C'mon, IT"S KITTY! You know she only did it to get back at you....you know that Jels....you're hiding behind something else..and you're not telling me what it is. I know we had an argument Jelly.... I'm sorry I criticized you instead of seeing your motives behind it. I've never been in that situation, I had no idea how it made you feel, and I'm sorry I didn't look at it through your point-of-view. I'm sorry I wasn't smart enough to think about it from all perspectives." I felt hot tears falling from my eyes, "I'm sorry that I didn't understand, but I can only know what you tell me. I can't know what you're feeling unless you say so. I'm so sorry, but I made you a promise that I am sticking to. So whatever it is that you're afraid of, you need to get over it....because I can't live without you Jels, I love you, so very much."
And with that I turned and left.
Dimitri Ryder
"Dream like you will live forever. Live like you will die today."

Thursday, June 14, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
I Have Begun to Sink
I woke up in a cold sweat, panting. I slipped out from the bed, trying not to wake Jelly. Ever since Kit's last episode, I've been having nightmares...very vivid nightmares that seem too real. I sat on the couch with a bottle of Jack in my hand. I never really had the taste for whiskey, but nothing else seemed strong enough.
"Couldn't sleep again?" Kit's voice emerged from behind me.
"Yeah...something like that." I answered.
I worked from morning to close the previous day. The restaurant was slammed, and we were short staffed, I was exhausted. If I had laid down on that couch, I could've fallen asleep within the minute....I could sleep..I just didn't want to.
"What's with you Dim?" She paced around the couch before flopping down beside me.
I sighed, "I keep having nightmares Kitty...ones I hate reliving over and over night after night."
"Well, what are they about?"
I hesitated...and yet again had to relive every detail.
"Sometimes they're about Jelly and Soda getting back together...or about her and I trying to have kids but..they never make it to birth...some are about Jelly dying..or killing herself... God, Kit, I can't even sleep without dreaming she's going to leave me, somehow." I said.
"Well there's gotta be something that causes you to think these things?" she informed.
I thought for a moment, back to the letter Kit planted for me to see in the trash can.
"Yeah Kit....it's you!" I said, my voice raising.
"Me?" Kit rose to her feet.
"Yeah, you're the one who wrote that phony letter and planted it where I could see it...you're the reason Jelly's mad at me for I don't even know what...you're the reason I can't even get a decent sleep at night....It's all you!!!" I didn't notice how loud I was yelling till I had finished, and honestly...I kind of scared me.
"Really? You're going to point all this shit back at me? She's the one who never told you Dim...not me." she responded.
"Would you get the fuck over yourself Kit...you started this whole damn fight! You're the reason TwoBit can't even stand to be around here anymore...he can barely stand to be near you anymore." Once the words escaped my mouth, I regretted them immediately.
Hot tears welled up in Kit's eyes as her hand flew backwards then across the left side of my face.
We stood there for a moment in silence.
"I'm sorry....I shouldn't have said that..." I said.
I heard a door open down the hall, and just as Jelly emerged from the corner.....Kit's lips met mine.
It was all so fast, it took me a minute to recall what was happening. This was my payback, it wasn't just a war between her and Jelly anymore.....now she had brought me into it, and much deeper than I could tread.
"Couldn't sleep again?" Kit's voice emerged from behind me.
"Yeah...something like that." I answered.
I worked from morning to close the previous day. The restaurant was slammed, and we were short staffed, I was exhausted. If I had laid down on that couch, I could've fallen asleep within the minute....I could sleep..I just didn't want to.
"What's with you Dim?" She paced around the couch before flopping down beside me.
I sighed, "I keep having nightmares Kitty...ones I hate reliving over and over night after night."
"Well, what are they about?"
I hesitated...and yet again had to relive every detail.
"Sometimes they're about Jelly and Soda getting back together...or about her and I trying to have kids but..they never make it to birth...some are about Jelly dying..or killing herself... God, Kit, I can't even sleep without dreaming she's going to leave me, somehow." I said.
"Well there's gotta be something that causes you to think these things?" she informed.
I thought for a moment, back to the letter Kit planted for me to see in the trash can.
"Yeah Kit....it's you!" I said, my voice raising.
"Me?" Kit rose to her feet.
"Yeah, you're the one who wrote that phony letter and planted it where I could see it...you're the reason Jelly's mad at me for I don't even know what...you're the reason I can't even get a decent sleep at night....It's all you!!!" I didn't notice how loud I was yelling till I had finished, and honestly...I kind of scared me.
"Really? You're going to point all this shit back at me? She's the one who never told you Dim...not me." she responded.
"Would you get the fuck over yourself Kit...you started this whole damn fight! You're the reason TwoBit can't even stand to be around here anymore...he can barely stand to be near you anymore." Once the words escaped my mouth, I regretted them immediately.
Hot tears welled up in Kit's eyes as her hand flew backwards then across the left side of my face.
We stood there for a moment in silence.
"I'm sorry....I shouldn't have said that..." I said.
I heard a door open down the hall, and just as Jelly emerged from the corner.....Kit's lips met mine.
It was all so fast, it took me a minute to recall what was happening. This was my payback, it wasn't just a war between her and Jelly anymore.....now she had brought me into it, and much deeper than I could tread.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
A Lesson on Honesty
Valentines Day--
Since TwoBit and Kit went out, Jelly and I had the apartment to ourselves, so we decided not to get dressed, and just hang out all day long. We cooked, watched some movies, and just spent time with each other.
"Here you go!" I said pulling a box out from under the couch and handing it to her.
"What!?! You agreed we weren't going to waste money on presents..." She said, almost mad...almost. "I didn't get you anything..."
"What could I possibly need, when I already have all I need right here." I pulled her closer to me.
She rolled her eyes, "yeah, yeah." She slid the lid off the box, revealing..

Her mouth dropped, "How did you know I wanted these?" She asked, confused.
"I saw it on your Pinterest." I smiled.
She shook her head.
"That's not all...go look in the closet." I added.
She jumped over the back of the couch and into our room.
"Alright, I'm deleting you from my Pinterest.." she said carrying the white coat in her arms.

Later that night, Kit and Twobit came home, and to avoid seeing Kit, Jelly decided to take a shower. I remembered tomorrow was trash day, so I scavenged around the apartment for all the trash. When I came to the small trash can sitting by the nightstand in our room, I noticed there was an envelope lying ontop...and on it was written "Sodapop".
But..If Jels wanted me to know what was inside this envelope, she would have told me right? But, then again....she didn't hide it very well, so maybe it's just nothing. I have the right to open an envelope found in my house addressed to her Ex...don't I?
I pulled a pack of papers from the envelope. The top one was a letter...
I really think we have no other option. This could ruin our lives, and not to mention- our parents would kill us. I mean, we're only 15 years old, we have our entire lives ahead of us, so..I'm going to take care of it. And after, I think we should break up. I feel like we've reached our maximum potential. You're my best friend, and I think it was meant to just be that way. I get my paycheck from the taste-freeze next week...and then I'll get the abortion. I just want you to know that I care about you, but Its best we separate, and I'm glad you agree with me on this. Thanks.
Just friends....for now.
I didn't even notice the tears running down my cheeks until I finished reading. I glanced at the other papers...they were hospital documents and receipts, confirming the abortion..I assumed. But..why would Jelly lie to me? Or even Soda for that matter....I thought we were friends. And, she never really told me why they broke up...even though it was a long time ago...there was never a reason.
I wasn't hurt at the fact that Jelly actually went through with killing an innocent child, but the fact that she never told me....that cut pretty deep.
"Whats that?"
I spun around to see Jelly standing in the doorway, hair dripping. As soon as she saw my face, she grew concerned...
"Dimitri, what is that?" She tugged the papers from my hand.
"What didn't you tell me this Jels?" I asked.
Suddenly, Jelly started to look confused...
Then it dawned on me....KitKat Curtis.
Jelly sat down on the bed. "I had a miscarriage." she said softly.
I still didn't like the fact that she had kept this from me, but a miscarriage sounded a little more humane than an abortion.
"I still should have told you Dim....I'm sorry. I just didn't think it would affect us, I didn't want you to judge Soda that way, you guys are friends."
"But that's exactly why I wouldn't judge him Jels... because he's my friend, you should know me better than that." I said.
"I know...I know. I'm sorry.....really I am." She looked up at me.
She stood up and wrapped her arms around my neck, "I love you.....I always have, and I always will...only you."
"I know that." I confirmed. "But I need you to be completely honest with me Jels, even if you think it won't affect us....its better to hear from you, than like this."
Jelly sighed, "I know. I promise, from now on I'll be completely honest."
I kissed her before we broke apart. I was almost out of the room when she said..
"So...speaking of babies......I gotta tell you something.."
Since TwoBit and Kit went out, Jelly and I had the apartment to ourselves, so we decided not to get dressed, and just hang out all day long. We cooked, watched some movies, and just spent time with each other.
"Here you go!" I said pulling a box out from under the couch and handing it to her.
"What!?! You agreed we weren't going to waste money on presents..." She said, almost mad...almost. "I didn't get you anything..."
"What could I possibly need, when I already have all I need right here." I pulled her closer to me.
She rolled her eyes, "yeah, yeah." She slid the lid off the box, revealing..

Her mouth dropped, "How did you know I wanted these?" She asked, confused.
"I saw it on your Pinterest." I smiled.
She shook her head.
"That's not all...go look in the closet." I added.
She jumped over the back of the couch and into our room.
"Alright, I'm deleting you from my Pinterest.." she said carrying the white coat in her arms.

Later that night, Kit and Twobit came home, and to avoid seeing Kit, Jelly decided to take a shower. I remembered tomorrow was trash day, so I scavenged around the apartment for all the trash. When I came to the small trash can sitting by the nightstand in our room, I noticed there was an envelope lying ontop...and on it was written "Sodapop".
But..If Jels wanted me to know what was inside this envelope, she would have told me right? But, then again....she didn't hide it very well, so maybe it's just nothing. I have the right to open an envelope found in my house addressed to her Ex...don't I?
I pulled a pack of papers from the envelope. The top one was a letter...
I really think we have no other option. This could ruin our lives, and not to mention- our parents would kill us. I mean, we're only 15 years old, we have our entire lives ahead of us, so..I'm going to take care of it. And after, I think we should break up. I feel like we've reached our maximum potential. You're my best friend, and I think it was meant to just be that way. I get my paycheck from the taste-freeze next week...and then I'll get the abortion. I just want you to know that I care about you, but Its best we separate, and I'm glad you agree with me on this. Thanks.
Just friends....for now.
I didn't even notice the tears running down my cheeks until I finished reading. I glanced at the other papers...they were hospital documents and receipts, confirming the abortion..I assumed. But..why would Jelly lie to me? Or even Soda for that matter....I thought we were friends. And, she never really told me why they broke up...even though it was a long time ago...there was never a reason.
I wasn't hurt at the fact that Jelly actually went through with killing an innocent child, but the fact that she never told me....that cut pretty deep.
"Whats that?"
I spun around to see Jelly standing in the doorway, hair dripping. As soon as she saw my face, she grew concerned...
"Dimitri, what is that?" She tugged the papers from my hand.
"What didn't you tell me this Jels?" I asked.
Suddenly, Jelly started to look confused...
Then it dawned on me....KitKat Curtis.
Jelly sat down on the bed. "I had a miscarriage." she said softly.
I still didn't like the fact that she had kept this from me, but a miscarriage sounded a little more humane than an abortion.
"I still should have told you Dim....I'm sorry. I just didn't think it would affect us, I didn't want you to judge Soda that way, you guys are friends."
"But that's exactly why I wouldn't judge him Jels... because he's my friend, you should know me better than that." I said.
"I know...I know. I'm sorry.....really I am." She looked up at me.
She stood up and wrapped her arms around my neck, "I love you.....I always have, and I always will...only you."
"I know that." I confirmed. "But I need you to be completely honest with me Jels, even if you think it won't affect us....its better to hear from you, than like this."
Jelly sighed, "I know. I promise, from now on I'll be completely honest."
I kissed her before we broke apart. I was almost out of the room when she said..
"So...speaking of babies......I gotta tell you something.."
Monday, January 30, 2012
All Hell Has Just Broken Loose...
I woke up at 6am and forced myself out of bed and away from my warm, beautiful, sleeping wife. I opened the door to the hallway and was hit by the scent of..... Breakfast :D
Bacon, eggs, sausage, biscuits, pancakes.... and...Kitty?
"Why are you up so early?" I asked rubbing my eyes.
"I have to open today, remember?" Kit said with a "you should know this dumbass" type voice.
"But..you cooked breakfast..KitKat Curtis cooked...did I miss something?" I was still too asleep to ponder on why Kitty would even attempt to make breakfast.
I poured some coffee, ate breakfast, got dressed and then headed out to the restaurant with Kit.
The grand opening went better then I had expected, and we already have regulars coming in every week. The outcome still continues to blow me away.
"Hey Kitten...what should be the special today?" I yelled into the kitchen while glancing over the menu. Just then, Jelly had walked through the front door.
"Mmm, Hello gorgeous." I said, squeezing her waist and kissing her lips.
And then Kit walked through the kitchen door....
"Let me see.." She took the menu from my grasp, and awkwardly placed her hand on my arm.
"The four cheese ravioli...with calamari." She suggested. She leaned in closer to me and whispered, "It's one of your best." then winked and trotted back into the kitchen.
I turned to Jels, "Is she on some new medication we should know about?" I asked, confused.
"Oh I'm sure this has nothing to do with medication." Jelly replied through gritted teeth.
Neither of them spoke to each other all day. And through the whole thing TwoBit and I stayed out of the loop. We found it best not to get mixed in with our wives trying to kill each other...that never ends well.
But...to my unfortunate-ness, things had to get worse -.-
The next night...I got some from work and took a shower. I walked out into the hall wearing only a towel..as I always do. Jelly was sitting on the couch in the living room. I had just started to open the door to my room when Kitty suddenly appeared in front of me....and the next thing I know, my towel is on the floor.
"What the hell Kit??" I shouted.
"I just wanted to see if it's as big as Jel's says it is." Kitty smirked.
Jelly was turned around with a I'm going to fucking kill you look on her face.
I scrambled for the doorknob and hid myself on the other side of the door.
I could hear Kitty in the hall, "Mmm, it is as big as she says.." then she trotted off to her room.
Jelly walked in the room a few minutes later, slamming the door behind her.
"I can't believe shes doing this..she just doesn't know when to stop.. I swear I'm going to fucking kill her.." hot tears welled up in Jelly's eyes.
I pulled her on to the bed. There was no emotion on her face, but tears were still gliding down her cheeks. She sat softly on my stomach, looking down at me.
"You're mine Dimitri....no one's gonna fuck with that...especially not my best friend." She said.
"I know baby... she's just trying to make you mad.." I hope. "Don't take it personal, alright?" I said, pulling the strands of hair that clung to her damp cheeks.
Jelly sighed, "I can't help it Dim...she knows how to get to me."
I sat up and pulled her chest against mine.
"I love you!" I whispered.
She played with the hair that hung just at the base of my neck. "I love you too." She said smiling. "Let's not let her sleep tonight." Jelly winked.
"I am so down for that idea." I said, pulling off her clothing.
All I have to say is... Bring it on KitKat Curtis....cause I just won this round ;)
Bacon, eggs, sausage, biscuits, pancakes.... and...Kitty?
"Why are you up so early?" I asked rubbing my eyes.
"I have to open today, remember?" Kit said with a "you should know this dumbass" type voice.
"But..you cooked breakfast..KitKat Curtis cooked...did I miss something?" I was still too asleep to ponder on why Kitty would even attempt to make breakfast.
I poured some coffee, ate breakfast, got dressed and then headed out to the restaurant with Kit.
The grand opening went better then I had expected, and we already have regulars coming in every week. The outcome still continues to blow me away.
"Hey Kitten...what should be the special today?" I yelled into the kitchen while glancing over the menu. Just then, Jelly had walked through the front door.
"Mmm, Hello gorgeous." I said, squeezing her waist and kissing her lips.
And then Kit walked through the kitchen door....
"Let me see.." She took the menu from my grasp, and awkwardly placed her hand on my arm.
"The four cheese ravioli...with calamari." She suggested. She leaned in closer to me and whispered, "It's one of your best." then winked and trotted back into the kitchen.
I turned to Jels, "Is she on some new medication we should know about?" I asked, confused.
"Oh I'm sure this has nothing to do with medication." Jelly replied through gritted teeth.
Neither of them spoke to each other all day. And through the whole thing TwoBit and I stayed out of the loop. We found it best not to get mixed in with our wives trying to kill each other...that never ends well.
But...to my unfortunate-ness, things had to get worse -.-
The next night...I got some from work and took a shower. I walked out into the hall wearing only a towel..as I always do. Jelly was sitting on the couch in the living room. I had just started to open the door to my room when Kitty suddenly appeared in front of me....and the next thing I know, my towel is on the floor.
"What the hell Kit??" I shouted.
"I just wanted to see if it's as big as Jel's says it is." Kitty smirked.
Jelly was turned around with a I'm going to fucking kill you look on her face.
I scrambled for the doorknob and hid myself on the other side of the door.
I could hear Kitty in the hall, "Mmm, it is as big as she says.." then she trotted off to her room.
Jelly walked in the room a few minutes later, slamming the door behind her.
"I can't believe shes doing this..she just doesn't know when to stop.. I swear I'm going to fucking kill her.." hot tears welled up in Jelly's eyes.
I pulled her on to the bed. There was no emotion on her face, but tears were still gliding down her cheeks. She sat softly on my stomach, looking down at me.
"You're mine Dimitri....no one's gonna fuck with that...especially not my best friend." She said.
"I know baby... she's just trying to make you mad.." I hope. "Don't take it personal, alright?" I said, pulling the strands of hair that clung to her damp cheeks.
Jelly sighed, "I can't help it Dim...she knows how to get to me."
I sat up and pulled her chest against mine.
"I love you!" I whispered.
She played with the hair that hung just at the base of my neck. "I love you too." She said smiling. "Let's not let her sleep tonight." Jelly winked.
"I am so down for that idea." I said, pulling off her clothing.
All I have to say is... Bring it on KitKat Curtis....cause I just won this round ;)
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Food!! =D
Friday, December 16, 2011
Life in a Nutshell...or..a post..
Well the 'Europe' trip was an epic fail... blame Chase -.- I guess we'll have to wait till after Christmas for that.
Another thing.... I'M GETTING MARRIED! :D Jelly should keep you updated on that.
I am currently working on the finishing touches for my restaurant :D... but I really need a name :/ any ideas? I hope to open it after my honeymoon ;)
..and I know this post sucks but I promise I'll come up with a better one later :D
Another thing.... I'M GETTING MARRIED! :D Jelly should keep you updated on that.
I am currently working on the finishing touches for my restaurant :D... but I really need a name :/ any ideas? I hope to open it after my honeymoon ;)
..and I know this post sucks but I promise I'll come up with a better one later :D
Friday, September 23, 2011
New Opportunities
Didn't realize it had really been this long since my last post o.O I guess I kept too busy.
Chase got this idea to plan this epic romantic getaway across Europe for sometime near Thanksgiving, with Jelly, Kit, TwoBit, and Dawn. I can't say I'm exactly complaining, but I just got the deeds to the site of my new restaurant last week, and I hope to have that up and running soon... I don't know how I can just leave for an awesome trip :(
I found the perfect place for the home of my restaurant in the heart of downtown Tulsa. Not too many greasers and not too many socs, so I don't have to deal with that drama. I put a down payment on the place, graciously provided by my grandmother, and are having the builders start on Wednesday of next week. I had a few designers come in and look at the place and they drew up quite a few sketches for me to choose from, so when the builders are finished the place should look somewhat like this......

There's the main floor with seating, and kitchen, and all that, then upstairs it has a complete bar and lounge area.
I have to say that I am quite excited, and hope everything goes smoothly.
I have already recruited some of you as bartenders and waiters/waitresses, let me know if anyone else would like a job :D
TwoBit, Kit, and Jelly have been my guinea pigs at dinner time every night, tasting the recipes I will have cooked in this restaurant.
Unfortunately, I will have no time for the DX anymore :/ but hopefully it will be a good trade.
I have yet to come up with a name, so I should probably work on that.....
And BTW, did i mention you will all get free food :)
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