Since TwoBit and Kit went out, Jelly and I had the apartment to ourselves, so we decided not to get dressed, and just hang out all day long. We cooked, watched some movies, and just spent time with each other.
"Here you go!" I said pulling a box out from under the couch and handing it to her.
"What!?! You agreed we weren't going to waste money on presents..." She said, almost mad...almost. "I didn't get you anything..."
"What could I possibly need, when I already have all I need right here." I pulled her closer to me.
She rolled her eyes, "yeah, yeah." She slid the lid off the box, revealing..

Her mouth dropped, "How did you know I wanted these?" She asked, confused.
"I saw it on your Pinterest." I smiled.
She shook her head.
"That's not all...go look in the closet." I added.
She jumped over the back of the couch and into our room.
"Alright, I'm deleting you from my Pinterest.." she said carrying the white coat in her arms.

Later that night, Kit and Twobit came home, and to avoid seeing Kit, Jelly decided to take a shower. I remembered tomorrow was trash day, so I scavenged around the apartment for all the trash. When I came to the small trash can sitting by the nightstand in our room, I noticed there was an envelope lying ontop...and on it was written "Sodapop".
But..If Jels wanted me to know what was inside this envelope, she would have told me right? But, then again....she didn't hide it very well, so maybe it's just nothing. I have the right to open an envelope found in my house addressed to her Ex...don't I?
I pulled a pack of papers from the envelope. The top one was a letter...
I really think we have no other option. This could ruin our lives, and not to mention- our parents would kill us. I mean, we're only 15 years old, we have our entire lives ahead of us, so..I'm going to take care of it. And after, I think we should break up. I feel like we've reached our maximum potential. You're my best friend, and I think it was meant to just be that way. I get my paycheck from the taste-freeze next week...and then I'll get the abortion. I just want you to know that I care about you, but Its best we separate, and I'm glad you agree with me on this. Thanks.
Just friends....for now.
I didn't even notice the tears running down my cheeks until I finished reading. I glanced at the other papers...they were hospital documents and receipts, confirming the abortion..I assumed. But..why would Jelly lie to me? Or even Soda for that matter....I thought we were friends. And, she never really told me why they broke up...even though it was a long time ago...there was never a reason.
I wasn't hurt at the fact that Jelly actually went through with killing an innocent child, but the fact that she never told me....that cut pretty deep.
"Whats that?"
I spun around to see Jelly standing in the doorway, hair dripping. As soon as she saw my face, she grew concerned...
"Dimitri, what is that?" She tugged the papers from my hand.
"What didn't you tell me this Jels?" I asked.
Suddenly, Jelly started to look confused...
Then it dawned on me....KitKat Curtis.
Jelly sat down on the bed. "I had a miscarriage." she said softly.
I still didn't like the fact that she had kept this from me, but a miscarriage sounded a little more humane than an abortion.
"I still should have told you Dim....I'm sorry. I just didn't think it would affect us, I didn't want you to judge Soda that way, you guys are friends."
"But that's exactly why I wouldn't judge him Jels... because he's my friend, you should know me better than that." I said.
"I know...I know. I'm sorry.....really I am." She looked up at me.
She stood up and wrapped her arms around my neck, "I love you.....I always have, and I always will...only you."
"I know that." I confirmed. "But I need you to be completely honest with me Jels, even if you think it won't affect us....its better to hear from you, than like this."
Jelly sighed, "I know. I promise, from now on I'll be completely honest."
I kissed her before we broke apart. I was almost out of the room when she said..
"So...speaking of babies......I gotta tell you something.."